List of water, waste water analysis

1 Routin microbial test for water
2 Total hetrotrophic microbial count
3 Total coliform count in water - MPN method
4 Total Fecal coliform count in water - MPN method
5 Total fecal streptococci count
6 Mould count
7 Yeast count
8 pseudomonas searching and counting method
9 Biology (phyto and zoo plankton)
10 Searching for sulfite reductase clostridiums – filtration method
11 Searching and identification of fecal streptococci-enrichment method
12 Coliform detection Filtration method
13 Fecal Coliform detection Filtration method
14 Colioform count – pourplate method
15 Fecal Coliform count – pourplate method
16 Counting and identification of candida Albicance in water
17 Searching for pseudomonas – filtration method
18 searching for Sulfit reductase bacteria- filtration method
19 Searching and counting vibrio
20 Counting eggs of parasit
21 Searching for Ferobacteria